01. Brooklyn Film Festival
02. MullenLowe Global Rebrand
03. Octo TypefaceTM
04. ABC Fitness Rebrand
05. ADC 104th Annual Awards
06. ML Design Studio Launch
07. Apple at Work Photography
08. Coke Zero Global Look & Feel
09. Yahoo For Lovers Typography
10. Apple at Work Iconography
11. Knorr Fast Food Remix
12. Personal Posters Collection
13. Coca-Cola Taste The Feeling
14. Blockbuster Callgorithm
15. Blockbuster "Signs Of The Times"
16. UN Women Unseen Stories
17. World’s Most Downloaded Man
18. Amex Platinum Wanderlust
19. Amex Business Launch
20. Amex Buying Power
21. Chemours Chemestry